Iobit Uninstaller 软件强制卸载工具 V12.3.0.9 绿色中文免费版

Iobit Uninstaller绿色版下载

  • 大小:19.96MB
  • 语言:简体中文
  • 类型:国产软件
  • 授权:破解软件
  • 类别:卸载清除
  • 平台:Windows平台
  • 官网:
  • 更新:2023-02-18
  • 评分:
360通过 腾讯通过 金山通过


Iobit Uninstaller是来自国外的一款非常不错的软件卸载清除工具。其主要作用是能够帮助用户更好、更快、更干净的卸载电脑程序,让你的系统更加干净。软件分为卸载、强制卸载和批量卸载,你可以使用它清除工具条、不经常使用的软件、window补丁等。不含有害的程序、插件和 Windows 应用程序,简化了卸载和自动扫描剩余项,确保可彻底移除软件。

Iobit Uninstaller绿色中文破解版由th_sjy 制作分享,无需注册运行即为专业版,有需求的用户请下载使用!



没有任何通知,你的电脑经常被不同类型的软件占用,有些甚至很少使用。这些程序不仅占用空间,还会减慢计算机的速度。新的 IObit Uninstaller 7 可轻松移除不需要的程序释放磁盘空间,并优化您的计算机性能。


您浏览器中被添加的恶意插件和工具栏可能会收集您的个人信息,例如浏览记录被非法使用;有些甚至可能会通过将您重定向到钓鱼网站来影响您的浏览体验。IObit Uninstaller 7 可实时检测包括广告软件在内的恶意插件,您可在其帮助下轻松摆脱它们。


定期卸载无法完全删除的程序。使用 IObit Uninstaller 7 您无需再担心剩余的项目。卸载时,IObit Uninstaller 7 会自动删除剩余的项目,扫描速度提高 120%。即使这些剩余的文件无法被其他卸载程序删除,你仍然可以依靠它。


为了确保彻底卸载,IObit uninstaller 7 可监视程序的安装。捆绑的程序和插件可以轻松识别;有些您可能从未注意到已安装在您的计算机上了。当您决定卸载主程序时,这些捆绑的项目可被一起删除。

5、支持系统:Windows XP、Vista、Windows 7、Windows 8/8.1、Windows 10

Iobit Uninstaller设置中文界面:

初次运行后,依次点击右上角 Options - Settings 打开设置窗口,点击 Current Language 下拉框,选择中文,点击 OK 按钮即可。


by 免激活:MR.BB2018,便携化启动器:FoxxApp

# 去效验,免激活,解锁无广告专业版,无需注册码,绿色便携化;

# 禁止自动升级,去主界面底部文字广告,去除操作中心推广程序;

# 去主菜单多余项:反馈、检查更新、用户手册、技术支持、在线、赞;

# 删除右键菜单扩展、资源管理器扩展、多国语言、错误报告程序等文件;

# 预优化默认设置:启动即为简体中文、皮肤默认改为简约白,清新亮丽!



+ Install Monitor is free to all users to automatically log all changes made to your system during the program installation

+ Improved leftover scanning algorithms to scan for more leftovers after the program uninstallation

+ Fixed the occasional failure of uninstalling Steam games

+ New language added: Indonesian

+ Fixed known bugs

2020.03.23 v9.4

+ Improved leftovers scanning to uninstall Windows apps more thoroughly

+ Enhanced Software Health to scan for more uninstallation leftovers

+ Improved multiple languages for better localization

+ Fixed known bugs

2020-02-08 v9.3:

+ Optimized Bundleware to detect more bundleware more accurately

+ Detect and delete more leftovers of programs uninstalled by other uninstaller more timely

+ Expanded database of Software Updater to update 30% more software

+ Fixed the occasional issue of high CPU usage when Install Monitor is logging a program’s installation

+ New language added: Ukrainian

+ Fixed known bugs 

2019.12.19 v9.2.0.14

2019-12-02 v9.2

* Enlarged stubborn program database to remove 30% more stubborn programs;

* Expanded database to remove 50% more malicious/ad plugins for a safer and cleaner browser;

* Fixed the occasional failure of creating a system restore point before uninstalling programs;

* Optimized Software Health for more intuitive interface and easier operation;

* Improved File Shredder to shred files more thoroughly;

* New language added: Azerbaijani;

* Fixed known bugs;

v8.0.1.42 Beta:

+ New Easy Uninstall to uninstall a program from its opened window, desktop icon, or system tray icon.

+ New Bundleware Uninstall to monitor and list all bundleware for easier uninstallation.

+ New Software Updater to update 500% more important programs for your PC.

+ Enhanced Scan Engine for a more powerful scan and more thorough leftover cleanup.

+ Expanded Toolbars and Plug-ins database to remove 100% more malicious and Ads plugins.

+ Enlarged stubborn program database to remove 300% more stubborn programs.

+ Supported removing Windows apps under non-administrator accounts.

+ Supported removing the latest Universal Windows Platform apps on Win 10.

Iobit Uninstaller 7.4.0更新:


2、扩展了数据库,可删除 280+ 新的恶意工具栏和插件。

3、增强了清除残留项,加快扫描和删除速度,速度提高了 500%。





Iobit Uninstaller 软件强制卸载工具 V12.3.0.9 绿色中文免费版




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