DOS实用程序集合 DOS Utilities Collection 打包


  • 软件大小:26KB
  • 软件语言:英文软件
  • 软件类型:国外软件
  • 软件授权:免费软件
  • 软件类别:系统增强
  • 应用平台:Windows平台
  • 软件官网:
  • 更新时间:2020-03-26
  • 网友评分:
360通过 腾讯通过 金山通过


 A collection of many small, useful DOS utilities,收集的一些小的、比较有用的DOS实用程序集合,可以增强dos功能。可以结合bat实现更多好玩的功能。

LPTstat v1.0 (LPTSTAT.EXE)
The PC parallel port uses a practically direct I/O port to pin connection. LPTstat shows each bit's status in real-time, and includes the bit's location in the PC address space and its corresponding pin number on a DB-25 connector. You can use the left and right arrow keys to switch LPT ports, and the up and down arrow keys followed by ENTER to toggle a bit.

XCODE protects a file with a password by performing a mathematical calculation on each byte. The coding is bidirectional because the same process is used in encoding as decoding. Type XCODE filename and then type in a password to encode the file, then type XCODE filename and supply the password to decode. Also see the Windows version of this utility.

Directory to Web v1.41 (DIR2WEB.EXE)
Reads a user-defined filespec (e.g. *.*) and creates an HTML index file. The index is fully customizable: you can include file times (24-hour), dates (Year 2000 compliant YYYY-MM-DD), or sizes and even create links to each file while including a remote URL prefix. Errorlevels: 0=success, 1=error. Also see the Windows version of this utility.

Disk Ready v1.0 (DSKREADY.EXE)
Quickly checks (takes about 1 second) to see if a diskette drive is empty or has a disk in it. Returns errorlevels. Type DSKREADY /? to see usage and the meanings of the codes.

Screen Info v1.0 (SCRNINFO.EXE)
Gathers screen information - mode number and classification, number of screen rows and columns, and adapter segment.

ThisDate v1.11 (THISDATE.EXE)
Displays the current date by reading it from your system's clock. For example "Today is Tuesday, May 20, 1997". Not limited by the year 2000. Returns an errorlevel which indicates the day of the month, e.g. an errorlevel of 20 means that today is the 20th of the month.

Compact v1.0 (COMPACT.EXE)
Switches to the enhanced VGA screen mode which usually allows 132 columns by 43 rows of text (132 x 43).

Examine v1.03 (EXAMINE)
Detects a program's exit method, memory usage, and return codes (ERRORLEVEL). Also can tell if a program is a TSR, and if so, tells how much memory the TSR takes up.

Screen Capture v2.01 (CAPTURE)
Captures the current contents of the text screen (in colour) and save it to a file, which can be reloaded later or loaded into a text editor to show what was originally on the screen.

Lets you draw images on your screen from the DOS prompt. Requires a mouse and VGA monitor.

File Sequencer v1.02 (SEQUENCE)
Takes the files in the current directory matching a user defined specification (e.g. *.ZIP) and consecutively numbers them from 001 to a maximum of 255. Allows re-numbering provided that files are in proper order in directory. Type SEQUENCE /? at the DOS prompt to see usage. If files are numbered starting at a number other than 0, try re-running the program.

Re-Boot v1.01 (RE-BOOT)
Reboots your computer with a warm, cold, or BIOS boot (this reloads the operating system). Accepts command line options or can present a menu. Can also park disk heads on older PCs. On a status line, shows the current drive and whether Windows is running. Type RE-BOOT /? at the DOS prompt to see usage.

Disk Info (DISKINFO)
Tells you technical information about the current disk drive. You can calculate disk capacity by multiplying SECTORS PER CLUSTER x BYTES PER SECTOR x TOTAL CLUSTERS.

Screen Explorer (SCREEN)
Lets you use the arrow keys to browse through the 256 screen modes. You can then stay in the mode you like.

Boing screen saver (BOING)
A manually activated screen saver (bounces a ball around the screen)

Computer ID v1.01 (COMPID)
Locates and displays your computer's ROM-BIOS copyright message and date.

Pretzel screen saver (PRETZEL)
A manually activated screen saver (draws a pretzel like shape)

Printer Status v1.02 (PRINTER)
Checks to see if any of the printers attached to your system are powered and idle, and if so, displays a message on screen. Can be used in a batch file (for example) that runs Windows, and when Windows is done makes sure you didn't leave your printer(s) on. Returns an errorlevel of 1 if a printer is on; 0 otherwise.

Key Value (VALUE)
Displays a key's ASCII value and scan code.

All Files v1.1 (ALLFILES)
Displays all the files in a directory (including hidden and system) and their attribute values.

Multitasking Environment Detector (MED)
Tells you whether you are currently in a "multitasking" environment (such as Windows or OS/2). For batch file users: errorlevel 0 if in Windows, 1 if at DOS.

Serial Port Status (SERIAL)
Tells you which serial ports (COM) ports are installed, which are active, and if attached devices are ready or not.

Extra Memory Manager Status (MOREMEM)
Shows the status of installed memory managers (EMS and XMS).

Extended Rename (XREN)
A file renaming utility that also allows you to move files to a different location on the same disk. Includes a batch file to allow multiple file moves.

Disk Picture (DPIC)
Shows a bar graph representing disk space used and disk space remaining.

Super Attributes (SATS)
An extended ATTRIB command for old DOS systems that can not otherwise access the hidden and system attributes.

Ask (ASK)
A batch file utility, similar to DOS 6's "CHOICE", that allows user input during batch processing.

Screen Dump (SD)
A command that will issue a print screen plus an "eject" command to your printer.

Screen Mode (SCRN)
With a command line parameter, switches to one of 21 modes or displays the current mode. SCRN is similar to SCREEN, but supports less modes.



DOS实用程序集合 DOS Utilities Collection 打包




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